Investment cast parts from Inconel nickel alloy

Guide to Investment Casting With 镍 Alloys

Investment casting is a process that uses expendable wax or 3D printed stereolithography patterns in the shape of the casted metal part. The patterns are then overlaid with a ceramic refractory coating to form a mold. The patterns are melted out of the molds leaving a cavity for the pouring of metals including aluminum, 不锈钢, 钴, 或镍.

In this month’s article, we’ll cover why nickel alloys are sometimes used in investment casting, the most common types of nickel alloys, and the most common industry applications of nickel alloy castings.


镍 is a metal with excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance at high temperatures. It is relatively easy to alloy nickel with other materials like 铁, 铜, 铬, 钼, 钛, 和其他人. Casting with nickel alloy will produce a finished part that can withstand extremely harsh env铁ments.

镍 alloys also retain their high hardness value while maintaining their superior weldability and ductility. Their ability to withstand high temperatures, coupled with strong 化学 corrosion, 热, and stress corrosion resistance, make nickel-based alloys the go-to casting material for aerospace, 国防, 能源, 化学, and automotive applications.

Most Common Types of 镍 Alloys

There are three major types of nickel alloys that are typically used during the investment casting process: 蒙乃尔®, 铬镍铁合金®, 和Hastelloy. We’ll cover each type in more detail in the sections below.


蒙乃尔® is a nickel-based alloy consisting primarily of nickel (approximately 70%), 铜 (approximately 20%), 铁, and manganese (approximately 5%) with trace elements of other metals. It has excellent machining properties, high strength, and excellent corrosion resistance. It’s a material used in the oil and gas industry for hydrocarbon processing equipment like pumps, 阀门, 配件, 等.


下一个, 铬镍铁合金® is a material that maintains its mechanical and 化学 properties at high temperatures. This makes it an ideal material for jet engines and other aerospace applications where high 热 resistance is critical to operation. The material also has high tensile and yield strength while having excellent impact resistance and fatigue strength. These alloys often combine nickel, chrome, 铁, 钛, and 钼.


最后, Hastelloy® is another material with excellent weldability, 化学 corrosion resistance, and stress corrosion resistance. It’s an alloy made of nickel, chrome, and 钼. Much like 铬镍铁合金®, it has high tensile and yield strength. Capable of withstanding high temperatures, this material won’t lose any of its ductility, which makes it an excellent material for highly corrosive env铁ments.

Industry Applications

The nickel alloys mentioned above are primarily used to create investment castings for aerospace, 医疗, and 国防 applications.

在航空航天, these 热-resistant nickel-alloys are essential for jet engines and jet engine components, 涡轮叶片, 翼面, 还有涡轮外壳. They are highly valued for their hardness, excellent adhesion, corrosion protection and strength.

In the 医疗 industry, these materials are used to manufacture 医疗 instruments, orthopedic implants, 外科手术工具, and other 医疗 devices. They are often the preferred material for ensuring the high sterility of 医疗 devices.

最后, the 国防 and military industries use these materials for aircraft components and military equipment. Among other applications, nickel alloys are used in communication, electrical equipment, aircraft and jet components, 导弹, 防御系统, 和火箭.

有问题? 联系 澳门新甫京网平台注册 Today!

澳门新甫京网平台注册 has a long and storied history within the metal casting industry that goes back to 1983. 我们的冶金学家, 工程师, 技术人员, and operators have the required skills, 培训, 专业知识, and experience needed to design and manufacture cutting-edge nickel alloy investment castings. 

Please contact us today if you have any questions about nickel alloys and how they’re used during the casting process, or if you’re interested in a quote.